We believe that hiring, developing, and retaining a skilled and passionate team is where it all begins. That’s because our work is anchored in our staff’s ability to bring our mission to life by enabling young people to reach their full potential. Our Club continuously looks for talented individuals interested in working with youth to join our team.


Complete an online application HERE or send your resume and cover letter to


List of Services

The Safety and Well-being of Young People is our Number One Priority

We work every day to create a safe, fun environment so kids can have every opportunity to be successful in life. We have ZERO tolerance for inappropriate behavior of any kind, including child sexual abuse or misconduct, and we put resources behind that stance.

General Information

  • Culture of Safety

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Mandatory Background Screens and Reporting

    Mandatory criminal background checks are required every year for every staff and board member at the Club.  All potential employees and volunteers are also run through the National Sex Offender Registry. Club staff and volunteers are all mandated reporters. We are required to report any critical incident/safety concern to local authorities immediately. We are also required to report any critical incident to Boys & Girls Clubs of America within 24 hours.

  • Equal Opportunity Employer

    Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Southwest Michigan is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment on the basis of any characteristic that is protected by law.

  • USDA Notice

    In accordance with Federal Law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, political beliefs, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write:


    USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights

    1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.

    Washington, D. C. 20250-9410

    or call (800) 795-3272 voice

    (202) 720-6382 TTY

  • Safety Hotline

    We encourage all staff, members and families to report any incident or situation they feel is unsafe. Through our national partnership with Praesidium, one of the nation’s leading safety experts, Club members and staff have access to  a confidential 24-hour toll-free Child Safety Hotline, 866-607-SAFE (7233) or email 

  • Safety Training

    Ongoing training is critical. We participate in a wide variety of child safety training conducted such as annual First Aid and CPR training, DHHS Mandatory Reporting, Mental Health First Aid, and Emergency response drills. We also engage leading third-party safety experts to provide guidance for our policies and approaches, including Praesidium, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, and the National Children’s Advocacy Center.

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